3 years ago

Part 2 of the First Steps series.
My first video was an introduction into the series. I started with going over your salvation experience because it is very important to understand what happened when you were saved and be able to explain to others. You have probably noticed some positive changes in yourself that happened after you were baptized. It is real! And it is supernatural! In today’s video, I will share with you how to find the people you will share your faith with and how to do it correctly in a very simple way that is effective. I think you will find this very empowering.

So lets begin! How do you find people to share your new faith with? The person that is willing, even grateful sometimes, to hear you and have a conversation.
One of the first things you need to know is how to find that ‘person of peace’.
The concept for the ‘person of peace’ is taken out of Luke 10:1-11. Vs 5-6 mention ‘a son of peace.
Like I said, a person of peace is a person God has prepared for you to speak with. The person that will listen and be interested when you want to ‘talk about Jesus’. You just go about asking people if they want to talk about Jesus or need healing. Before long, someone will give a positive response and show interest. Thats the person of peace. If you don’t know who you are looking for, you will be trying to force conversations with the wrong people, which can be very discouraging and time wasting.
This brings me to the importance of sharing your faith.
Lets look at some scriptures together.

Revelation 12:11
Matthew 10:32-33
Mark 16:15-18
2 Timothy 4:2
You must understand Jesus’ heart cry, to see the desperate need of people around you that don’t know Him. You should feel for them and want to see them saved as disciples too, serving the Lord. Not just ‘converts’. Converts are not fruit-bearing disciples. Remember that if a person is not bearing fruit and making disciples too, you haven’t really made a disciple.

Now, let me share with you a few simple ways you can begin to obey Jesus by sharing your faith.
First, you can share your testimony about what Jesus has done for you. Testimonies are powerful. It is hard to argue against a testimony. It leaves people thinking. Especially when they know you are a sensible person. When you personally experience something, you are a witness. So you are a strong witnesses for Jesus. This is a very effective way to share your faith.
Then you can share the Gospel.
The important thing to understand when you share the Gospel is that you want people to recognise that they are sinners and need a saviour.
So how do we present the Gospel?
You tell them:
* Everyone born of Adam & Eve were born sinners, are habitual sinners and condemned to eternal death in hell. You can use a few of the Ten commandments as examples of sin.
* then you tell them - Jesus died and paid the price for their sins and rose from the dead on the third day to give them new life.
* To be saved from their sins, they need to
* Acknowledge their sin nature and sins to God.
* Repent genuinely from the heart. What is repentance?
(feel sorry about sin and make the decision to turn from sin completely and follow to Jesus for life).
* Be baptized immediately underwater in the name of Jesus Christ, which is to die with Him (underwater) & rise with Him (Come up from the water).
* Then receive His Holy Spirit.
* When you preach to someone, the response you want is, ‘I repent from sin and I want to be baptized and follow Jesus for the rest of my life. Or they can receive the Holy Spirit first. You can read what Jesus-trained disciples did in the Book of Acts. There was no sinners’ prayer and no baptismal classes.
* Ask the person for a decision after you preach. Ask!
If anyone repents and wants to be baptized, arrange to have it done as quickly as possible while the person is still repentant. You can let a more experienced disciple help you if you have not been discipled in that.
This has to be a lifestyle. Everywhere you go and on every social media platform, look for people to share with. Just keep sharing with everyone. People of peace will certainly come your way.

And don't forget Tracts. Always carry tracts. They are useful. However, read it first and make sure it has the Truth about salvation as described in Acts 2:38 and no lies.
TRACTS (for download)


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