Visit with Arthur, our latest rescue, 4 weeks 6 days. He's still skinny, but gaining weight.

4 years ago

It's nearly 5 weeks and he is putting on weight. He's now paddocked permanently with Penny and Cleo since Tuppy has died and all three of them are fed together. This has slowed down his progress a little, but it's probably a good thing now he's out of the woods to just gradually gain and be revitalised from a core level. It takes a while to regain the muscled they lose after starvation.

We say hello to Henry the ex horse chaser and Bundy - his accomplice.

We are still devastated about Tuppy and Cleo will not stand where she used to with Tuppy, she stands up the field right away from where she died. She does come down to eat and will stand around there, but not near the creek where she spent hours with Tuppy.

I wonder how it makes her feel, when I feel so sad over the loss and she was a smaller part of my life. She spent 24 hours a day with Cleo and they were close herd mates.

I discuss Tuppy's life and death here
The horses keep vigil for her while we wait to bury her

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