Channel Islands NeckBeard2 surfboard review

3 years ago

Sorry this took so long. The surf was intermittent and so it took 3 weeks to get enough footage to finish the review. Although I still feel I'm not doing it justice so there will likely be a 2nd review/update.

As an overview, this board, or should I say this bird is an air machine. The square tail does do something for minimizing drag on take off. I'm not an air guy but I can feel the drag of launching on all my board. This board did not have that issue so it is probably the biggest air I've gotten. I have had big fly aways before but I felt in control of this one till the end. I was just too chicken to pull it and I was actually coming off the back of the wave.

Let me know what you think. How you feel I was surfing this compared to my review of it.


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