Retention Tip: Employee Wellness Programs as a Benefit (Fit Not Quit)

3 years ago

We all struggle to attract and keep good employees. It is a struggle in most industries, but it is especially difficult in the Home Care Space. The competition is fierce for the best caregivers, some would even say there is a shortage of quality caregivers.

Our position on this, while controversial is that most Home Care Agencies' issue is more of a retention issue, not recruitment. So, how do you retain your better employees, more importantly, how do you keep those employees so happy they become your greatest recruitment tool? You have a solid retention program.

Many factors will go into a solid retention program, much of these are affected by the stage of the agency's growth and financial positioning, newer agencies may not be able to afford to offer the same benefits that a more established or high performing agency will. What do you do? How can the field be leveled a bit?

One tactic to consider is to offer alternative benefits that show your staff that you are invested in them, even if you cannot offer a full medical / dental benefits package. This is where a wellness program comes in. In the above video, we talk with Dr. Jeffrey Poplarski and Ian Fydel of about their low cost, but comprehensive wellness program. Here is some of what they have to say about their program.

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