"God's Standards are My Stronghold in these Days of Troubles" Bishop James Daughtry Th.D.

2 years ago

If we allow God's Standards to be our Stronghold, and trust and obey HIM in our times of trouble, God will exercise HIS authority over the enemy of our spirit, soul and body. When Leaders choose to drop, compromise, and criticize God’s Standard(s), they not only discredit God, they exalt themselves as the new gods. When churches and its leaders delete Standards, they’re totally dismissing the Spirit, for it is the Spirit of the Lord, which elevates His Standard His word His Stronghold in His people’s obedient hearts of love to Protect, Bless and Perfect them.”
“The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.” Nahum 1:7

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