2001: a carnist odyssey

2 years ago

2001: a carnist odyssey
How carnism is used by Stanley Kubrick to illustrate violence and domination as the force which leads to Mankind being cast out of the Garden of Eden.
Kubrick’s film is widely misunderstood and has many esoteric narratives running through it. We all know the film depicts an alien force communicating with apes to influence their evolution as a species, creating Mankind. What I propose is that Kubrick uses Christian and Darwinist elements to depict the worldview of Mystery Babylon. Using carnism (the killing and eating of flesh) to illustrate a satanic mindset of violence and domination. The alpha ape in the famous scene throws his club in the air, literally casting it out of the garden. This shot of the bone being cast out, spliced with a spaceship hovering over earth, represents intellect combined with violence and domination to give us technology. This technology carries Mankind out of our primitive state, to where we have dominated the entire planet, effectively casting us out of the Garden of Eden and into the cold blackness of space. What Kubrick is trying to teach us is, according to the mystery schools, meat IS the forbidden fruit. It came from “the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil”. When eating any other fruit, there is no need for knowledge of good or evil, but when you steal the life and flesh from another being you KNOW it’s wrong. You can hear it in your heart. This is the sin that destroys the Garden. All of the enlightened spiritual traditions know eating flesh is wrong. Continuing to enslave, torture, rape, and murder our fellow animals keeps us locked out of paradise. Earth cannot be returned to Eden until we all follow God’s first rule of the Garden, “DO NO HARM”.
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