1 year ago

Our level of self-confidence directly correlates to how successful we are in life be it relationships, finance, or happiness. Listening to affirmations can dramatically affect you on a subconscious level improving your self image, thus improving your results.

Listen to these affirmations every day for best results.

Download this audio file: https://www.thevibrationwithin.org/store/p58/28-affirm-ultimate-confidence.html

Affirmation List:
1. You are confident
2. You are positive
3. You are strong
4. You are happy
5. You are successful
6. You expect good things to happen
7. You are courageous
8. You instill confidence in others
9. You like yourself
10. You are relaxed
11. You are at peace
12. You are confident speaking in front of small or large groups
13. You can look in anyone’s eyes with confidence
14. You have a positive self-image
15. You have positive intentions towards others
16. You define yourself
17. You can easily take constructive criticism
18. You know your place
19. You hold your head up with your chest open
20. You breathe in deeply and out slowly
21. You like your appearance
22. You are pleasant to be around
23. You are comfortable taking the leadership role
24. You like where you are going
25. You have an end goal in mind
26. You are interested in others
27. You are comfortable listening to others
28. You are grateful to be alive

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#affirmationsforselflove #affirmationsforconfidence

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