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The Texas Tragedy: What You’re Missing In The Uvalde Story | Lance Wallnau

2 years ago

Fourth turning students will recognize that we are in a period of great instability where powers are contending with each other. There's a real conflict of competing worldviews.

Coming up on today's broadcast, we're talking about why we need intact family units, teachers competing with parents on right vs. wrong, what our culture is missing and needs to get back asap, the sanctity of human life, and more!

Podcast #631: The Texas Tragedy: What You’re Missing In The Uvalde Story | Don't miss this! Listen to more episodes of the Lance Wallnau Show at lancewallnau.com/podcast


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  • no one is calling out evolution! I'm glad you are Lance!!!

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  • It is my belief that many of these convenient mass shootings are being done by programmed multibles and victims of satanic ritual abuse. In this case there may have been several programmed people. How is it that a teacher opens the door just minutes before the shooter arrived. The cops were told to stand down.

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  • Why are you being so TRITE when children have been killed. This is just not appropriate!