They tell how the Ukranian forces behaved, they shot at the houses of civilians.

2 years ago

A citizen of Severodonetsk, Alexander Bezruchko, and his wife tell how the Ukranian militants behaved, they shot at the houses of civilians:

— There were simply unbearable conditions. The shelling, and the military themselves bothered, they came to the apartments. It happened that they kicked people out into the basement… It happened that people were not allowed into the store until they took what they wanted.

There were guns in the middle of the city. There are mortars on “Urals”. They shot, quickly picked up, moved to another (place). Provoked, as if it was LPR. They bang from one end of the city, then they move. While there was a connection, our friends said – And now they are shooting at you from us.

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