My Take on the Ridiculous SJW Narrative: Mr. Potato Head Is Asexual Now?! (Cultural Analysis)

4 years ago

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The Blaze reported that Mr. Potato Head was becoming gender-neutral, as per announcement by Hasbro. Mr. Watson examines this occurrence through the lens of a single question: How do we operate in reality? Is culture now a guiding force for how we should regard physical objects in reality, or is this an isolated incident? Mr. Watson explains why Hasbro's efforts to make a statement through Mr. Potato Head's gender-neutrality will become, ultimately, an impotent and vain attempt at grandstanding. Questions of gender, subjective meaning, and being in itself demand very cogent answers because, as this event occurs, they actively influence certain cultural figures.

#MrPotatoHead #Politics #SocialJustice #GenderNeutral #Wokeness #Pronouns #transgenderism #americanpolitics #MrsPotatoHead #PotatoHead

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