GoPro HERO 9 vs 5 - How Do They Compare?

4 years ago

How does the old school GoPro HERO 5 Black compare to the HERO 9? (The 5 was brand new as well as the 9.) I'm sure there are many Regular Joe's like myself who want to start a youtube channel or to film their family with the best quality for their money. The worst is when you video something that means a lot to you and footage or audio is trash. Is it worth buying the HERO 9 right now?

In this video we put both GoPro HERO 9 and HERO 5 on a contraption to compare video and audio in 1080p at 30 frames per second. Is the HERO 5 still good enough for your recording needs? I'll let you be the judge.

P.S. GoPro HERO 9 Max Lens Mod arrived, I will be doing a review on it in the coming days. I'm very humbled by you watching my content, I am learning more every day and plan to improve my videos substantially. Looking forward to meeting some of you on the road while I travel.

Regular Joe

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