Exchange | 1 Hour Of Christian Instrumental Piano Worship | Songs From Robin Mark & Martin Smith

4 years ago

This session from Asaph Instrumentals features a selection of songs from UK worship leaders Martin Smith & Robin Mark, as well as some spontaneous prophetic soaking music. Take some time to steal away with Jesus, to rest in His presence, study His Word, and give Him the praise and worship that He deserves.

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Consider the great exchange that takes place at the cross as we put our faith and dependence in Jesus. He takes the old, the broken, the deficient, the lacking, the sinful, the condemned and He transforms us into something brand new, whole, sufficient, complete, righteous, and accepted in the Beloved. Romans 6 tells us that we've been joined to Him, immersed into His death and burial and resurrection so that we can be set free from all the things that kept us bound in sin, and struggling under a system of living that always led to death. It's been said this way: When He died, I died. When He was buried, I was buried. When He rose again, I rose again with Him to newness of life by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amazing! We have been made entirely new! So today, let's sing songs and bask in the grace that He's poured out over us. And let's enjoy this restored relationship with King Jesus, our perfect sacrifice.

0:00 - Jesus All For Jesus (Robin Mark)
4:49 - Interlude
6:14 - What A Friend I've Found (Martin Smith)
9:44 - Song Of Solomon (Martin Smith)
13:27 - Interlude
14:23 - Everything Cries Holy (Robin Mark)
18:50 - When It's All Been Said And Done (Robin Mark)
21:33 - Jesus Blood Never Fails Me (Martin Smith)
24:17 - Interlude
24:56 - Put On The Garments of Praise (Robin Mark)
28:56 - Shout To The North (Martin Smith)
31:21 - Did You Feel The Mountains Tremble (Martin Smith)
37:40 - All Is Well (Robin Mark)
39:45 - Interlude
42:02 - My Soul Sings (Martin Smith)
44:36 - Prophesy (Spontaneous Prophetic Worship - JM Goodwin)

🔸🔹🔸🔹 Asaph Instrumentals is a place for your soul to find peace and rest. It's worshipful, simple, gentle music to change the tone and atmosphere of your environment while you're in prayer, studying, or meditating on God's Word. Use this background music to worship, relax, find stress relief, and to be still. We trust that you will discover Jesus as you rest in and wait on Him, and believe that He will wrap you in his presence and peace. 🔸🔹🔸🔹

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Asaph Instrumentals: Peaceful. Simple. For His Glory.

JM is part of the Worship With Us Ministries Team. Find us at

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