NZ is in a serious situation while Jacinda laughs.

2 years ago

Note from Rocky,

Please read down to see Cross The Rubicon's description for this latest video.

Bare with us we are slowly working out getting set up for the Veritas Rising talk through show so it will take a while. We need to get some decent but affordable equipment and services together which will take a few weeks at least and ideally better facilities so we are going to save for that and look at a the possibility of a little fundraising. For now just please keep us in your prayers as we always appreciate your prayers and feedback support.

I have decide to reupload all of Cross The Rubicon's own individual videos here instead of the dedicated Rumble account that I had set up for his videos so that is going to be wound down. And I'm planning on reuploading all of Carl Bromley's political videos here as well and just keeping his channel for his sermon and general bible/spiritual videos. And I may be adding Kyle Chapman's videos and others as this Veritas Rising. What is Veritas? Truth.

From Cross The Rubicon on a cold Christchurch May day.

The most evil psychopath ever to be PM anywhere on the planet gets to be our PM.

Lucky us in NZ! Many still don't get it and still think she's marvelous. They're the people you can easily spot walking through the park, on a beach, in their cars alone wearing masks.

In an instant one knows they'll be Jacinda supporting, chest thumping, non thinking zombies.

People are living in misery here in NZ and she laughs saying they have hygiene issues and say thing anonymously online.

This woman gets people arrested for saying things about her. That's why they fear being open in this tyrannical dictatorship once called New Zealand that's fast becoming Aotearoa.

All the name changes are about division too. Another reason to call anyone who disagrees with it racists.

She really is the pits of a human being who has the monopoly of power and violence against anyone who decides to attack her policies, her destruction, her dividing tactics, her fakery, her economic suicide, her favoring one group above another, her disingenuous smile and words, her psychopathy.

The media and every single person working in it are also to blame for her, and the desperation and sadness that hundreds of thousands are feeling, many at breaking point.

Yet she laughs at us while she's amongst them scum democrats at Harvard University, yes laughs at the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs lost, still victimized by her policies with not much hope because they refuse the experimental j.b.

She sickens me to watch her. I find her repulsive now. I freely admit h.ting this woman for what she's done to my own family but to many thousands. And she laughs!!

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