Ukraine War brief: latest update, economic impact, and where things stand now

2 years ago

Ukraine War brief: latest update, economic impact, and where things stand now

A lot´s happened in a short period of time in the Ukraine war.

Russia invaded Ukraine, the US responded with financial sanctions, yet the Ruble rallied back, while gold has even been involved in this world stage game of poker.

Which at times seems as if it´s close to escalating into World War III, with Sweden and Finland now applying to join NATO, amidst an environment where outside countries are now increasingly taking sides.

However to make sense of it all, and provide a concise update of where things stands, whether there´s any end in sight, and what it might take to achieve that resolution, Ran Gavriely joined me on the show put it all in context.

So to get caught up to speed on the major developments and status of the Russian War in Ukraine, click to watch the video now!


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