Depopulation and The New World Order is Real

2 years ago

They undermine our politics.
They undermine our economy.
They undermine our moral values.
When this happens, of course, if all were to accept all these acts, the necessary thing for our lives, then there would be the need to submit to one single government; a World government.
This One-World Government will govern without our consent. They will govern according to their own concept of governance, their own ideas about freedom, their own ideas about what is right and what is wrong.
When this happens, the New World Order would have succeeded fully.
What we are seeing today is the process towards that direction; the establishment of a World government that is responsible to nobody.
We would have no choice at all as to who would rule this World. We would have to accept the rulers because they consider themselves as the most suitable people to rule this World.
So this idea about the New World Order is still in place.
The New World Order meaning there should be one world government and they should rule according to their whims and fancies.
We already see wars being fought… because of the need of the people who are promoting the New World Order to establish their government of the World.
And not only war, we see all kinds of subversions taking place, undermining our moral values to the extent that we become helpless, unable to do anything.
The peace we will get from this is the peace of the graveyard, because the intention also is to reduce the number of people in this World.
At the time the New World Order was enunciated, the population of this World was only 3 billion.
The intention was to reduce it to 1 billion.
Now the population of the World is 7 billion.
There will be a need to kill many billions of people, or to starve them to death, or to prevent them from giving birth in order to reduce the population of this World.
This is what is in store for most.
For those who will suffer and die, there will be the peace of the grave.
Would there be war?
Of course there would be war.
Not wars in the Countries which have been promoting the New World Order, but in other places.
The wars are meant to weaken and destabilize small Nations so they will succumb.
They will submit to the New World Order as proposed by the powerful Nations.
9 March 2015


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