FDOT Presentation at the Citrus County BOCC Turnpike Extension

2 years ago

FDOT Presentation at the Citrus County BOCC
See the FDOT presentation at the Citrus County BOCC. This recording has had public comments removed allowing for only the presentation and Commissioners comments. While it is likely that a "no build" resolution will be brought froward by the BOCC, there was one holdout. Of course that was the left leaning democrat #specialProjectsKinnard." His comments were complete with the "misinformation" slang of the left, the actual meaning of which is used to call some speakers liars!
They never give up and they will not until we stop fighting, which we should never do.
The devil is working overtime to get you to normalize liars....
#FakeNews Media #CitrusComicle
#CitrusCountyFlorida #BOCCCitrus #Theyworkforyou #Timetorunthedemocratsoutofoffice #Nomoreliarsanddevilworshippers

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