DLO First Look: Primary Arms GLx 2.5-10x44 FFP w/ Griffin Mil reticle

4 years ago

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I started looking at this new GLx scope and here is the first glance at the reticle.
So far, I like the way this scope is configured. It is sorta unusual configuration wise these days and one of the things that interests me is how it will stack up to more expensive 10x scopes that have much smaller objectives, for example the new high end 1-10x LPVOs, with different lighting conditions. I have a reasonable idea how it will pan out due to some experiments of distant past, but it is worth revisiting.

This post will remain for supporters only for a few days, until the YouTube overlords bless it and I release it to the wild.

The specific scopes I am looking at is this guy:

It comes with two different reticles: Griffin Mil and Raptor M2. For what I use these types of scopes for, Griffin Mil is the better option.

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