Ep. 5460 – Nasser Arrabyee on Continued Suffering and Devastation in Yemen – 2/16/2021

3 years ago

Nasser Arrabyee discusses the heavy fighting going on outside of Ma’rib, the last stronghold of the Saudi-backed government in Yemen. The Houthi “rebels” are closing in on the city, says Arrabyee, and may capture it within a few days—doing so could give them the bargaining chip they need to finally negotiate an end to Saudi aggression against their country and their people. Arrabyee hails the recent announcement of an end to American support for Saudi “offensive operations” as very good news, but insists that the suffering will not end until the Saudi blockade is abolished. Most of the deaths in Yemen have not been due to direct fighting, but instead to starvation and easily-preventable illnesses like cholera. Hundreds of thousands of civilians, at least, have died from these factors—many of them children—and hundreds of thousands more are at risk for as long as the blockade continues.

Check out the interview page here: https://libertarianinstitute.org/scotthortonshow/2-16-21-nasser-arrabyee-on-the-continued-suffering-and-devastation-in-yemen/

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