_تتجافى جنوبهم عن المضاجع يدعون ربهم_ طيب مسمعك وارح قلبك بتلاوة جميلة من فجريات الشيخ سعود الشريم

4 years ago

#سورة_السجدة #سورة_الإنسان The Holy Quran

The Noble Qur’an is the last of the heavenly Books, descending upon the people, and the one who will stand in them until the Hour of Judgment. The scholars differed about the wording of the Qur’an, so it was said: It is a knowledge name for the Book of God that is not derived. And the terminology of the Qur’an is the verbal word of God that is fixed in the Preserved Tablet, which was revealed to the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - one sentence sometimes and sometimes divided, and the miraculous for the two weights in wording and meaning and transmitted through the generations and worshiped by its recitation and written in the Qur’an in the Arabic language, from Surat Al-Fatihah to Surat Al-Fatihah. The article sheds light on the virtues of the Noble Qur’an.

The virtue of the Holy Qur'an

The Noble Qur’an is all bounty, goodness, and blessing that bestows upon the Muslim his virtues in this world and in the Hereafter. In addition to being the book of God that is worshiped and drawn to God Almighty, the Qur’anic verses and hadiths confirm the merit of the Holy Qur’an from several aspects, including: [1] The most prominent virtue of the Qur’an is its intercession for its reader on the Day of Resurrection, and that the status of a servant rises the more he reads the Qur’an The Holy Qur’an, reflecting on its meanings and applying what it says. Great reward. Achieving psychological comfort, tranquility and a sense of peace with oneself and others. Angels briefing council reading the Qur’an. Persistence in reciting the Qur’an is a manifestation of righteousness and piety. Learn the sound classical Arabic language and the linguistic miracles in the verses of the Qur’an. Assisting in laying the foundation stone for many of the life sciences, astronomical, chemical, geological and others, which is known as the scientific miracle in the Qur’an. The source of the first legislation for Muslims in matters of this world and the hereafter. Among the merits of the Noble Qur’an is that it is a cure for the sick soul from physical and psychological ailments, especially the verses of the legal ruqyah after the will of God and the adoption of reasons. The Qur’an includes stories and news of previous nations, individuals and groups, in order to take lessons and lessons from their good and bad.

Etiquette of reading the Noble Qur’an

The Noble Qur’an is one of the most honorable and holiest of the heavenly books, so the Muslim must observe the general etiquette related to this clear and exalted book in this world and the hereafter in order to obtain the reward and reward at the revelation of the Book to his servant Prophet Muhammad - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - through Gabriel - peace be upon him. Etiquette: [3][4] Purification from the minor and major impurity. The Almighty said: {No one shall touch it except those who are purified} [5] Freshen the smell of the mouth before starting to read by using the toothpick if possible. It is recommended for the reader to face the qiblah and to cover the private parts. Reading the Noble Qur’an with the intention of drawing close to God Almighty and worshiping Him by reading what was revealed at night and during the day, or by specifying specific times. Begin the reading by seeking refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan, then the basmalah - in the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Reciting the Qur’an in a good voice as much as possible, taking into account the correct pronunciation of the words and the use of the principles of intonation in reading. It is advisable for a Muslim to learn it if he does not master it, as the reward for recitation is doubled according to the effort expended in recitation. Reciting the Noble Qur’an calmly, calmly, and submissively, without rushing, because it instills a feeling of reassurance in the soul and increases fear of God. Asking God Almighty for heaven and its bliss when reading verses of bliss and mercy, and seeking refuge with God from fire and torment when reading verses of torment in this world and the hereafter. Acting according to the Holy Qur'an. Not being preoccupied with anything of the worldly concerns while reading, such as browsing the news, correspondence via mobile phone, etc., and not interrupting his reading except for an urgent matter.

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