Be Still - by Erin Reilly

2 years ago

Song by Erin Reilly, based on Psalm 46
This song is coming out at such a timely moment…with recent tragic events leaving everyone heartbroken at the loss, the violence, the hopelessness, this is a reminder that God is still our ever present help. He is the one who will make things right in the end, and when we seek Him, there is restoration and peace that the world can not give nor take away. The Lord is a strong refuge, and I hope this song reminds you how good He is even yet. He sees and is heartbroken over the same things we are looking at, but in the end He ultimately makes it right, and can take something meant for evil and turn it for good. We may not know what to do or how to make sense of it all, but we can be still and know that He is the Lord. If you are suffering heartbreak or loss, read the full chapter of Psalm 46, it will be an encouragement to you. That psalm is what this song is based on, and I hope it blesses you.

Be Still and Know He is the Lord
He is with us, He is our fortress
Come take refuge in God Almighty
King of Kings forevermore

Though earth give way, we will not fear
Though mountains fall into the sea
There is a river whose streams make glad
The dwelling place of the Most High

God is within her, she will not fall
And God will help her at break of dawn
He lifts His voice, and the earth melts at His flame

Come and see what God has done
When nations rage, He makes wars cease
He’ll be exalted in all ye nations
And exalted in all the earth

Be still and trust The Lord of Hosts
The God Jacob, the Risen One
Ever faithful and present One
Be still and know He is the Lord
Be still and know He is the Lord

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TWITTER: ErinReillyMusic

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