ALL HAIL Dictator Palaszczuk

2 years ago

Captain Cook statue removed from Cairns Australia because one woke artist thought it looked like Capt. Cook was doing the Nazi salute. Nazi's were not even thought of in 1770's so how stupid is that. Expect that from the woke left though. The Qld premier has been photographed doing exactly the same gesture so why is she not being removed? Hypocrisy at the highest levels as usual. Capt Cook is part of Australian History so leave him alone.
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NOTE: The photo of AP doing the Sig Heil salute has not been doctored in any way. This was taken at a press conference before a state election and is exactly the action that she did so i will leave it up to you to perceive what it looks like and what her meaning was, just like the woke artist and 19000 petition signatories led stupidly to Captain Cooks removal in Cairns.

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