The Ukrainian psyops🍿🎥🎬

3 years ago

“Tore Says Show”🚬🎈

I’m almost positive Tore IS Q

She is using a looking glass but calls it “predictive analytics”.

she has mentioned the harvest a few times now and said that the frequency on the bio-dome was being raised which is raising our consciousness.

she gave an interesting little truth drop when talking about jabs she said these Dr’s and nurses who are going along with the Covid lie and jabbing people will be stuck here F-O-R-E-V-E-R
Which I took as in they won’t be ascending. Not sure how else to take it,

she doesn’t spoon feed info, it’s more like she already knows everything and disseminates it as she’s allowed to, but in a way to get her listeners to do their own critical thinking & research just like Q did... well usually, I try to catch & share her under her breath truth drops for the rest who see through the veil.

She’s a former military industrial complex subcontractor turned whistleblower, it sounds like she worked with Brennan and clapper (which probably explains why she turned whistleblower because they are both evil AF)

she graduated high school 2 years early, she’s a member of Mensa (like Trump) so she’s intelligent to say the least. And she seems to have a legit Heart

she was recruited by the military for her scores in pattern recognition tests.
Her specialty was game theory & psychological operations. Interestingly. And says she’s the best

it sounds like the Arab Spring psyops which resulted in a revolution was her handiwork

So she not only knows the script of the great awakening psyops but I’m pretty sure she is who wrote it..

She said she did multiple times & proved she’s at minimum read the script & knows how this movie ends.

I think it all ties to this harvest / ascension / timeline split deal...

Personally I think the rulers were taken out via covert military black ops back in early 2017 as soon as Trump got in which only happened because the military (Tore) hacked the dominion voting machines that were programmed make Killary win.

That’s why she was so surprised she
lost, she didn’t even write a concession speech because she wasn’t supposed to lose and their cheating is also why she couldn’t challenge the results

So shit went down before anyone was even paying attention.
So the people must be shown to believe a wake up.

Q did say ~
“this IS going to be biblical” “God wins” and
“NOTHING can stop what is coming”.

It also aligns perfectly with what the looking glass predictions which was humanities awakening and a “timeline convergence”

I think the new age timeline split / ascension / great awakening are all just different terms for the same thing, the biblical harvest..

And I think part of Trumps role was to separate the Wheat from the Tares, which he was amazing at lol, they just couldn’t seem to hide the Trump derangement syndrome which was an odd phenomenon, seems like it was a download from the hive mind.
I almost thought it was an act by the media to make us think they didn’t like him while he was actually ushering in the NWO but there’s no way, unless everyone I talked shit to online was in on it too. Lol

And then there’s the Dr. Fauci name issue.

His “occupational surname” Fauci = “sickle maker” and his coat of arms is a shield with 3 sickles on it. which is quite the interesting synchronicity

All Tore’s shows are archived at podbean as audio only or she’s usually on live @4:30-6:30pm PST, M-F on Twitch which is only free if you catch her live.

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