Some encouraging and insightful thoughts from Tore💙

3 years ago

Give my favorite some 💙 on Twitch, or she occasionally still posts on YouTube at the Tore Says show channel

She’s NOT just some researcher, she’s legit former military industrial complex subcontractor.

She operated in a fashion similar to Edward Snowden except she was intelligent before she turned whistleblower and actually gathered intel on all those who would wish to destroy her or idk banish her to Russia or Taiwan or wherever Snowden is stuck now to avoid persecution.

Tore (pronounced Tory) may just be a part of the Q operation, she’s seen the script and she knows how this movie 🍿 ends.

She often speaks of being a “time traveler” and using “predictive analytics programs” which to me, sounds a lot like she’s using Looking glass technology, I believe she also had something to do with the epic GAMESTOP / AMC short squeeze or knows who did, and she Loves our duly elected President, America and freedom.

However she doesn’t spoon feed information, just like Q she disseminates info in a way to get the listeners to think for themselves and do their own research.

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