The Stormkeep #21 - Battletome: Nighthaunt Review

2 years ago

Come hang out in our Stormkeep community discord to show off your army, talk about lists, and participate in community events & contests -

Episode #21 - We do a thorough review of the new Nighthaunt Battletome.


0:00:00 - Introduction
0:07:02 - Battle Traits
0:14:57 - Chainrasps
0:18:30 - Grimghast Reapers
0:22:39 - Hexwraiths
0:26:53 - Bladegheist Revenants
0:30:43 - Dreadscythe Harridans
0:36:41 - Glaivewraith Stalkers
0:41:07 - Spirit Hosts
0:44:09 - Craventhrone Guard
0:51:20 - Myrnmourn Banshees
0:55:35 - Black Coach
1:04:15 - Krulghast Cruciator
1:07:25 - Spirit Torment
1:09:29 - Chainghasts
1:12:12 - Knight of Shrouds
1:15:47 - Cairn Wraith
1:17:00 - Tomb Banshee
1:22:05 - Lord Executioner
1:24:03 - Guardian of Souls
1:25:57 - Dreadblade Harrow
1:31:09 - Scriptor Mortis
1:33:56 - Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead
1:38:01 - Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief
1:44:12 - Reikenor the Grimhailer
1:47:12 - Kurdoss Valentian, the Craven King
1:52:16 - Awlrach the Drowner
1:55:24 - Thorns of the Briar Queen
1:57:35 - Mortalis Terminexus
2:01:01 - Vault of Souls
2:03:31 - Shyish Reaper
2:05:31 - Subfactions: The Grieving Legion
2:11:14 - Subfactions: The Emerald Host
2:17:18 - Subfactions: The Scarlet Doom
2:21:50 - Subfactions: The Quicksilver Dead
2:26:03 - Command Traits
2:41:25 - Artefacts
2:55:58 - Spells
3:02:15 - Nighthaunt Allies
3:05:32 - Neutral Endless Spells
3:09:28 - Nighthaunt Tips
3:14:33 - Nighthaunt List Building Advice
3:24:10 - Sample List #1: Castle Grimghast
3:27:51 - Sample List #2: Suddenly, Ghosts!
3:30:32 - Sample List #3: The Red Scare
3:32:29 - Sample List #4: Emerald Blast
3:34:32 - Tier List Summary
3:36:07 - Battletome: Nighthaunt Review - Strengths & Weaknesses
3:42:48 - Closing Thoughts

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