3/4/22 Proud Minnesota Patriots from Beaver Creek to Welcome cheering for the convoy!

2 years ago

3/4/22 From Beaver Creek to Welcome, the proud patriots of Minnesota lined the I-90 overpasses for the Freedom Convoy as we traveled to Washington DC to protest the mandates. It was an amazing sight to see. ❤️🤍💙🇺🇸 thank you Patriots, we love you!
There are patriots still on the road, known as the 1776 Restoration Movement. Join the cause in any way you can, we are stronger in numbers.

#PrehistoricPatriot #american #freedomconvoy #thepeoplesconvoy #1776RestorationMovement #truckersconvoy2022 #americanpatroit #veteransforfreedom #unitedwestand #worldfreedomrally #USA #convoy #honkforfreedom #truckersforfreedom #fightforyourfreedoms #lovewins #freedom #endmandates #endemergencyorders #callyourreps #votethemout #lockthemup #theyworkforus #usaconvoyforfreedom🇺🇸#convoyforfreedom2022 #wethepeople #❤️ #🇺🇸

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