Beyond the Mandela Effect (please read the description. MyCatholicRedPill)

2 years ago

Note: I keep coming across Mandela Effects or the Black Sun symbolism. In this case I came across this video advertisement for a hand painted oil reproduction of the Da Vinci “The Last Supper” painting. Odd was that the modern wine shot glasses from the most recent Mandela Effect versions are even missing in this supposedly recent painting reproduction. In the above thumbnail I added my original last supper version insert from memory with the original chalice, unleavened bread and the wood or earth-ware wine goblets as well as examples of Mandela Effect bible changes.
The King James version of bible has the most effected changes. My theory is these changes are being made by deep forces within the evil cabal controlling the world. The three main reasons for the supernatural changes in my view are, the symbolism used from the changes has meaning and power, changes to slowly erase Christianity (Jesus), and lastly basically to mock humanity (mostly directed to the sheep that will not wake up).
I believe hidden ancient dark magic rituals being done in the past decade or so allow events or manipulation of past events or timelines. Quantum entanglement to present time makes the direct changes without the cascading catastrophic effects of people and affected matter/things simply vanishing out of existence. There would be absolutely no residual examples of pre-Mandela Effect changes if this wasn’t the case. Example: Isaiah 11:6 in the bible had original “lion” changed to “wolf”, yet more examples of “lion and the lamb” then wolf. Most people when questioned will mostly say “lion” will live or dwell with the lamb. Some direct change (through satanic black arts/ritual) was made in the past to the prophet Isaiah himself to write “wolf” instead of “Lion” in the original text at that point of time was directly changed. Only the word is changed through time, not the cascading effects or changes or effects to past/present humans because of the word.
I also believe that recent Hollywood movies can be an actual Satanic ritual with certain main actors being purposely placed there in Satanic positions as wizards creating the black spell. We all know the “The DaVinci Code” movie and one or two of the main actors. They are not only famous actors or possibly even fully human. Look at how many Mandela Effects associated with one of those actors and involved movies. Strange now how since the DaVinci Code movie the chalice is now missing throughout history in the Last Supper painting, stupid modern shot glasses appear, the young apostle John turns into Mary in the painting, Mono Lisa now grins with an exaggerated smile, DaVinci “Creation of Man” now has man’s finger higher than God’s, the “Vitruvian Man” looks distorted from what I remember (all symbols in the movie). Again, we are being mocked as humans while Christianity is slowly erased replaced by Satanism and the Baphomet. The whole point of the last supper was the representation of the wine as Jesus's blood being spilled for the forgiveness of our sins, but now that goes missing in this authentic reproduction (coincidence?). These evil forces cannot directly change our world. They influence and use the collective human consciousness to change and effect our reality through willing humans and these grand satanic rituals. Their time is short and they are in a panic and desperation.
Of course, as usual the mainstream media (MSM) will call me a “conspiracy theorist” and Hollywood made sure a movie was made by the same name, “The Mandela Effect” movie, so that all Google searches will show this dumb movie and coverup all legitimate searches and info on this topic. My kids grew up on the Berenstein Bears books, but now it is spelled “Berenstain”. I have another theory and evidence how this changed was made as well, but I’ll perhaps incorporate that info into a dedicated video. The main point is to be awake and be aware of what is slowly happening or changing around us. Pray! Marcum – MyCatholicRedPill)

Using the mirrored advertisement video under the “Fair Use Policy”
Over Stock Art advertisement
The painted canvas is 36 Inches wide and 24 Inches tall.
Artist: Leonardo Da Vinci
Type: Hand Painted Oil Reproduction
Painting Size: Large 24" X 36"
Orientation: Horizontal

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