Your Destiny Point Brighu Bindu Point

3 years ago

Brighu Bindu (BP) point or degree is the mid point between your natal Rahu and natal Moon. That degree becomes your destiny point. You can then look at what house and sign it falls into. If it is in your 7th house then your are destined to find out profound lessons in relationships for better or worse but I usually find even if you go through difficult relationships, you will end up with a wonderful soul with whom you connect well. Always look at the house in your chart so 5th house will be a child, 10th will be a karmic job etc. Also, look at what that sign is in the natural zodiac. If your 7th house is in Scorpio as the 8th house in the natural zodiac, there will be loss before the wonderful partner comes through. Always watch planetary transits over that point or opposite it as they activate that point. I look at BP point for career too.
I use Sidereal zodiac. For those of you who expressed an interest, I am starting a Patreon page soon to teach astrology in very easy and affordable way, I shall keep you posted.
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