Four Types of Sentences Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, Exclamatory Grade 5 English Class 2

3 years ago

Today we are going to learn what is the difference between Declarative sentences, Interrogative Sentences, Imperative Sentences, and Exclamatory Sentences. Four Types of Sentences Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, Exclamatory
Grade 5 English Class 2

The previous lesson in this series focused on what a sentence is and what is needed to make a complete sentence. This lesson is going to look at the four different types of sentences: declarative, interrogative, imperative and exclamatory. Those are some pretty big words but they’re pretty easy to understand.


A declarative sentence just tells something, it is a statement about something. This is the most common type of sentence. Most of what you say every day is a declarative sentence. Declarative sentences will have a period at the end. For example:

This is an apple pie.
Those mountains are the biggest in Norway.
I am hungry.
He had ice cream after dinner.


An interrogative sentence asks a question and it will end with a question mark (?). This type of sentence often asks who, what, where, why, when, which or how. Interrogative sentences are probably the second most common type of sentences you will use every day. Some examples:

What is she doing?
What did the praying mantis do?
Where did your brother go?
How many cupcakes do you want?


Imperative sentences give an order, instruction or a directive. Parents say a lot of imperative sentences to their children. If that sentence is something your mom or dad would tell you all the time, it’s probably an imperative. These sentences aren’t really something that is being yelled or shouted and they will have a period at the end.

Always brush your teeth.
Put your dirty clothes in the laundry.
Turn left at the next intersection.
Eat your vegetables.
Don’t eat the doughnut before lunch.


An exclamatory sentence expresses strong feelings or emotions. They are the type of sentence you would shout or yell and they have an exclamation mark (!) at the end. These sentences are used when you want to show that you are excited, angry or there is danger. Exclamatory sentences usually have a lot of emotion behind them and are often loud or shouted out.

Watch out for that spider!
Do your homework, right now!

Your turn to practice. Decide what type of sentences these are:

1.These things are called tools
2.What are you wearing
3.Be quiet
4.Wear your raincoat today
5.I want to go to sleep
6.Always drink enough water

These things are called tools. This is just a statement of fact so this is a declarative sentence that would have a period at the end.

What are you wearing? This is an interrogative. Starting with one of the classic “wh” words and ending with a question mark.

Be quiet! This exclamatory sentence isn’t one that people would just say. This is going to be loud and strong so it gets an exclamation point.

Wear your raincoat today. This sure sounds like something your mom would say. This is an imperative sentence that gives an order or instruction.

I want to go to sleep. This is just a statement of fact. While there is a feeling mentioned, it’s not one that would be strongly expressed or shouted.

Always drink enough water. Another imperative sentence, this sentence is stating an instruction.
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