Who is Running the Show?

3 years ago

Its time to realize that those in power are preparing for a civil war. Corporate interests are preparing to cut off those on the right, and to pressure anyone using their services to drop support for them as well. This is like the Chinese social credit system only worse. This is a decapitation attack on the right. They are also vetting the military to determine loyalty because they want to know who they can rely on to follow their orders if it comes down to it.

Texas and some other states have completely opened up. It will be interesting to see how many people are still timid about taking their masks off. It would be nice not to have to go through the coral at Walmart, or to actually breath while shopping. I am sure there are some people who think this will cause the pandemic to continue or get worse, but I would suggest they look to China. They have removed most restrictions quite a while ago, and things seem to be just fine.

Cuomo is still in the news, more woman have come forward with allegations. I think this is a convenient distraction because they don't want an investigation into the nursing home deaths. Whoever directed these governors to put COVID patients in nursing homes does not want to be exposed. I know we probably won't ever know what actually happened, but I sure wish they would investigate.

I think the CPAC stage was a setup. The complaints about the "rune" came too fast for this to be organic.

Is Nancy Pelosi running the government right now? Why does she want the nuclear launch codes? Shouldn't it be someone else int he executive branch if anything?

The people in control are taking away all the flavor from life and society.

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