[Interview] Seamus Coughlin (FreedomToons)

3 years ago

Keri and Carter speak with Seamus McNamara Coughlin.

Seamus is a libertarian American animator, political cartoonist, commentator, comedian, columnist, and YouTuber. He is known for his YouTube channel FreedomToons and his Foundation for Economic Education series Common Sense Soapbox with Seamus Coughlin.

Coughlin taught himself to animate at the age of 12 and has been doing freelance animation work since he was 14. Coughlin started his YouTube channel in 2012, when he was 17. In January 2018 his channel surpassed 100,000 subscribers. Today, his channel has over 566,000 subscribers and over 94 million views. Since 2017, Coughlin has been a contributor for the Foundation for Economic Education.

He is a regular guest on Tim Pool’s popular Timcast podcast, where his initial appearance received the most watch time of any episode.

Find Seamus and FreedomToons online:

Web: http://Freedomtoons.tv
Twitter: @seamus_coughlin
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/FreedomToons
Facebook: https://facebook.com/FreedomToons
Minds: https://www.minds.com/FreedomToons

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