Get Your Wallet Out. . . .These War Pass Characters Are Amazing. . . BUY NOW!!

3 years ago

Another garbage War Pass event featuring dumbed-down versions of the characters. Before you go crying "Health Pack" know that it's not available unless you own the characters. That being said they have put together another stellar event to showcase these characters that will leave you extremely unimpressed. It's mind-boggling that they are trying to generate revenue from these characters yet they don't let you preview them fully functional so that you can see what they can do. Also, I might add that the 2 newest ones are just reskinned versions of the existing characters. I for one will not be buying these and I'd imagine that most of the sales they made of these are from die-hard fans or kids that got their parents to buy them.
I have made several attempts to reach out to support and provide ways to improve the game as well as ideas for new stuff they could add down the road, I was met with stock responses that completely dismissed my concerns. . . . .

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