Look away from the chaos for a moment. East Texas Sunset; finding Grace and Beauty in Nature...

4 years ago

With everything going on around us, there is a level of stress that has surpassed the norm. We all know it, and most of us are having visceral reactions to it. Including myself.
As I embark further into making these videos and getting to know such phenomenal people. I am noticing that we are here to hold one another lovingly accountable. Support and hold each other up as well.
It is a good thing, in my opinion and it is working for me. I am trying so much harder to balance and prepare with focus and knowledge. Lit a fire under my booty so to speak. Really! It has fired me up and opened my eyes a lot.
We still need to balance, gather our thoughts and look away once in a while to remember the simple beauty and grace around us. Part of taking care of ourselves for our loved ones that depend on us. It's true. It is hard to look away sometimes but I am going to keep trying to breathe, take in nature and look away from the chaos for a moment.

I hope that with the breathing exercise along with seeing a reminder to take a minute from the chaos once in a while, will help ease your mind, heart and soul.
You are worthy!
Love and God Bless to you all.

*Music: https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music
Song: « Acoustic Breeze» from Bensound.com

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