News commentary and various thoughts from Kerch.

2 years ago

Ukraine grain being rushed out through Poland? Ukraine no longer has sea ports because NATO brings in war tools. Russia are doing them a favor, because the West wants all their grain for pennies on the dollar then let Ukrainians starve, blaming Russia of course. I couldn't find anything (except on Telegram) showing it is already happening. This mainstream article sets it up. Notice how they say so "Ukraine" can get revenue. Who do they mean when they say Ukraine? Billionaire oligarchs and the US players who put them in power and handed them this war.

Poland getting back old territories?

Why was Poland partitioned to begin with?
And then,

Original Ukraine map from a Chinese source. Poorly translated, but readable.

Basic principals of Neo-Eurasianism.
A fairly balanced report from Swedish EU university sources, but impressive. This is the first study of Eurasianism I've seen from a non Eurasianist source that was not just a crude hit-piece. It appears to be good for studying the movement as it is well written.
Here is more about the author of the above study. He is worth checking out as well, as he has some very interesting ideas himself.

Gonzalo on the purpose of education, or "How do you know all this stuff?"

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