Spider-Hog Part 29: The Final Battle/Sonic's Death

3 years ago

After he gets thrown into the collapsing building, Shadow gets his a$$ kicked by Slade until he gets the upper hand after Slade said that he's gonna finish Riley off nice and slow. Shadow beats the crap out of Slade until Slade tells him to stop and removes his mask and it turned out that it was Sonic who did everything. Sonic tries to get Shadow to be like a son to him, but Shadow told him that he already had a father. Sonic then proceeded to kill Shadow with his glider, but Shadow does a backflip and the glider hits Sonic instead. And before Sonic dies, he told Shadow NOT to tell Tails. Then Shadow took the body of Sonic home where Tails was furious after seeing Spider-Hog next to his dead father. Like, Comment, and Subscribe! Enjoy while you can since i have only 1 part left to do!

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