Pfizer CEO Albert Boula Says His Dream Of Reducing World Population 50% By 2023 Being Fulfilled

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2 years ago

What Did The CEO Of Pfizer Just Say? Here is exactly what this World Economic Forum Psychotic Pfizer Mass Murderer said...

"I think that it's really fulfilling a DREAM that we had together with my leadership team when we started in 2019. The first week we met in January of 2019 in California to set up the goals for the next 5 years and one of them was by 2023 we will reduce the number of people in the world by 50 percent. I think today this DREAM is becoming reality."

So, it's really a purpose driven company...

STEVE'S TAKE: I simply couldn't not share this one. I formally challenge this Albert Bourla to a fight to the death. You don't get to talk this kind of crap and talk about mass murdering the population without me fighting you. Step up to the plate you coward!!!

I don't know what's crazier, that Pfizer, it's CEO and other globalist nut jobs are doing this or the people in the audience who loudly applaud it being done! What kind of demented world are we living in?!

It's a good thing I downloaded the YouTube video and then uploaded it here because I knew they'd delete it. Sure enough after it only being up for only a couple of minutes, YouTube did just that!

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