The new Layer 4 Button 12 and Button20

3 years ago

Quickbuttons is an AddOn for Blender. Its available at the Blender-Market here:

Quickbuttons got better again.
This 30 Minutes Video explains just one of several new functions that are new. Most of the mare also explained in the Manual-PDF that has been updated. But not all.

This Video shows just "How to use" the new
- Button 12 "Machine Gun Button"
- Button-20 " Bullet Shot Simulation"
on Layer 4. This again Rigid Body stuff.

Here is a short Index to the Video:
05:35 How to influence the Speed of the Bullets
05:36 How to delete the generated Bullets and Keyframes and start over
06:42 - More Frames - slower Bullets
06:43 Less Distance between Start and Destination: Slower Bullets
26:16 Button 20 What does it do?
34:10 Button 20 Part II

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