Welcome to Global Revolution

3 years ago

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Over the weekend protests broke out across Cuba, with people calling for the end of dictatorship, and greater freedom. The main stream media has attempted to say the protests stem from COVID, but in reality that is only a catalyst.

The Cuban people are standing up because of governments failed promises. This is not unique to the Cuban people, and it is the reason government should be limited. We, as individuals and families, know best how to manage our lives. When you give up responsibility to government, you are only setting yourself up for a terrible life under the boot of some despot.

When the results are finally made known about the Arizona election, if it is in favor of Trump, chaos will erupt in this country. The Biden camp isn't going to relinquish government, and the Trump camp is not going to abide an illegitimate government. If the results come back in Biden's favor, it will probably convince some to return to normal life, but others will not be satisfied. They will do what the left is likely to do in case an outcome in favor of Trump, they will say the audit was infiltrated by sinister agents.

The conflict is coming, I believe it is unavoidable. I also believe it has been sparked off by foreign state actors seeking to destabilize the US. Unfortunately, if the idea planted by these foreign adversaries is true, it won't matter what the source was.

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