The Growing Homeless Crisis

3 years ago

Anyone living near a major US city knows that the country is experiencing a homeless crisis of some kind. As you may have guessed, my city is no different. You may be surprised to find homeless people living in unexpected places. Someone you know at work may even be homeless without you knowing.

If things continue as they are, I believe we may see a dramatic spike in homelessness, especially among those living on a fixed income.

Why do we have this problem? It is a complicated issue, but part of it is that the United States got rid of its slums a long time ago. We have been living with the luxury of not needing extremely low cost living accommodations. Over the last century, there were enough good paying working class jobs that most people were able to afford a decent place to live.

Unfortunately our political class has squandered all of it. The good paying working class jobs have been given away to other countries. Our money has been inflated to the point that we cannot afford anything. The inflation problem is only going to get worse with supply problems, and enormous amounts of cash in circulation.

We are going to need to give up a lot of the luxuries we have enjoyed in a rich society in order to survive the hard economic times ahead. I don't know what the solution is, but I do think we can start by talking about the problem.

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