Western Civilization is Collapsing

3 years ago

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Yesterday our video was removed by Youtube for "medical misinformation". I have to admit that I was a little surprised by it, since I don't make it a habit to offer medical advice. It did get me thinking however, that free speech is no longer being protected in this country.

In this country we are supposed to enjoy inalienable rights, like those found in the bill of rights. Speech is supposed to be protected, even if it is inconvenient. Since when does saying, "its my private business so too bad..." work for violating someones rights? By that logic, a restaurant could refuse service to someone based on their race, and say that "within these walls I decide, because its my business". Nobody would tolerate that, and the government would step in to put a stop to that sort of abuse. So why is it ok for tech companies?

After giving all of this some thought yesterday, I started to work out some theories that may cover the "why" to everything we are seeing. First, it is important to know that the government is not necessarily run by the smartest and brightest in society. As a result, they sometimes make stupid decisions. In this case I think they have. The crackdown on speech, and trampling of our rights, has been an attempt to regain control of society in order to avoid a collapse or civil war. Somehow the people in government cannot see that by doing this, they are the ones creating the scenario where collapse could actually happen. If the government is not violating the rights of the people, then the people have no reason to rise up against it.

I don't believe there is any doubt among those paying attention that society is in free fall right now, and the government is speeding it along. The only question is wether the government is stupid, as I mentioned before, or if they are intentionally destroying the nation.

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