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GOD and Sexism | Ewaenruwa Nomaren

4 years ago

Sexism is one of the most controversial issues in the world, period. For the past 100 years, the world has steadily progressed from women playing certain roles and men playing certain roles to there being equal opportunities for both sexes. To say that's right or wrong is too complicated of an issue to dabble into.

In this video, we won't try to find out the propriety of sexism; rather, we'll try to see God's opinion on the issue. We feel that it's very important for Christians to know what God things about issues such as sexism because they help us know what kind of mindset Christians should be having, especially when desiring to live a life with God at the forefront of it.

0:00 - Introduction
1:30 - Why did God create sexes?
7:30 - How Jesus treated women
8:55 - What all this means
10:11 - Women who didn't play their role
18:25 - The issue of equality
21:21 - Music
22:14 - Final words

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Questions about God? Email them to (ewaenruwa@gmail.com).


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