Camera Puts Rangers/Boston Police On Alert. Camback. Walk Of Shame. State House. A-1 Station. Mass.

3 years ago

This was on Monday March 8th 2021, Outside of the Massachusetts state house in Boston Massachusetts, along with outside of the A-1 Charlestown police station. I was doing some filming outside of one of the loading dock entrances and then went up to the side entrance. Within about 5 minutes I was approached by a captain in the lieutenant of the Rangers.

After my interaction with them, I headed over towards the courthouse and looping back around to the A-1 police station where I was confronted by an officer I already have on film. He was triggered by the camera and did a kammback. You then tried to deny giving me his information. I ended up getting that information. Let me know what you think of these interactions in the comment section down below!!! Thank you all for the support, it is greatly appreciated exclamation for!!! Donations are Helpful and humbly accepted!!! Much love, respect and appreciation!!!

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