Quality of life increase your pet's immunity.

2 years ago

Quality of life increase your pet's immunity.
Learn how some foods can make your pet's body stronger!
Immunity is the body's ability to resist disease-causing agents, when the body's defense system can protect the body against external aggressors such as bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and viruses, the result is more quality of life and disease prevention.
Thus, keeping the pet's immune system high ensures that he is always well enough to brighten his day, and for this, some nutrients are essential. With the right foods in the routine, it is possible to facilitate digestion, correct the amount of water ingested, improve urine production, and even reduce the formation of urinary calculi.
In case your dog already has some chronic problem, the proper diet to keep the immune system balanced is even more important, which can also contribute to conditions such as high cholesterol, dermatitis, among others.
Functional foods with nutrients that act as immunomodulators, that is, they act by increasing the body's defenses. These foods are rich in vitamins (A, B6, folic acid C and E), minerals (selenium, iron, copper, zinc and omegas 3 and 6), fiber and probiotics, able to help you keep your pet strong.
Meet the selected foods and include in the menu of your best friend: natural yogurt - are probiotics that help restore the intestinal microbiota.
Brewer's yeast - helps maintain the intestinal microbiota, because it is a source of B vitamins. To enjoy the benefit of the ingredient, the use of the supplement is recommended, because it uses only its bioactive. Thus, it provides greater benefit to the pet.
Garlic - has bacterial, antifungal, and antiviral actions. However, if ingested in inadequate quantities by the pet, it can lead to poisoning. Therefore, choose supplements that use only the bioactive of this ingredient, safely for the pet.
Carrot - source of fiber, minerals (such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium and sodium) and vitamins (A, B2, B3 and C).
Artichoke - the lupeol, present in the artichoke, has toxic action against tumor cells and has antioxidant activity. Besides promoting the release of immune response and increasing the production and secretion of bile. Facilitating digestion and the elimination of toxins.

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