Why Did the Republican Congress Argue AGAINST the COVID Stimulus Bill?

3 years ago

Sen. Murphy looks at the arguments made by Republicans voting against the American Rescue Plan. Not one Republican in Congress voted for this Overwhelmingly Popular American Rescue Plan in spite of the fact most Republicans support this plan.

“I got to hear about four or five of my Republican colleagues come down in sequence to make their case as to why they'd be voting against the American Rescue Plan. a number of arguments were made repeatedly by many of our friends on the Republican side of the aisle. … it might be worthwhile to just spend a few minutes talking about the claims that are made about this bill by Republicans, the reasons why they're voting against it … The first thing that I heard, Mr. President, was that this bill was just too expensive, $1.9 trillion. That's a lot of money, no doubt. But this country has never, ever faced a health care crisis or an economic crisis like we do today. This is an unprecedented moment in our nation's history. And it requires us to step up and do something that isn't just going to sound like it will work and help people, but actually will. And what's, I guess, to me, ironic about this claim that it's too expensive, that it's going to cost our kids and grandkids too much money, is that Republicans passed a tax bill that was, almost to the dollar, the exact same amount as this relief bill is. They passed a $1.9 trillion tax bill where the majority of the benefits went to the richest Americans who needed no more help. There was no crisis in 2017 amongst American millionaires and billionaires. And yet, Republicans were very willing to draw down $1.9 trillion in debt financed tax cuts, $1.3 trillion in corporate tax cuts, $83 billion to let heirs of huge mega-estates be able to inherit more money without taxation, $435 billion tax cut for the wealthiest 1% of Americans. And so it's a little hard to listen to my Republican colleagues claim that this bill is too expensive when they were willing to spend the exact same amount of money in 2017 on tax cuts for their wealthy, corporate, and millionaire friends. It is also hard to listen to this argument because just a year ago, Republicans were willing to spend $1.9 trillion to address this crisis. It isn't as if Republicans haven't understood when they were in control of the White House and the Congress that we needed to step up and meet this moment. Republicans have said ‘well, this is different because we're turning the corner.’ Well, as Senator Durbin laid out very well, we may be able to see the corner, but we're not there yet. 

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