Spiritual Health - Heal Emotional Pain - Learn True Health #Podcast with Ashley James - Episode 10

2 years ago

This show's blog post: http://learntruehealth.com/heal-emotional-pain-through-spiritual-health
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Spiritual Health

Learn True Health is honored to present Jennifer Saltzman, popular Pilates instructor, for a second time. In this Episode Ashley and Jennifer discuss the importance of spiritual health. Think about community and realize we have so much to give. Rise to the occasion. Give to others, receive gratefully from others, and think about something other than “me.” We are all one.

The book Commitment to Love by Maureen Moss had a very positive effect on Jennifer’s life. It is about the spirit, about perspective, laughter, challenges and trials. When Jennifer was in her 20’s and had just finished her Pilates training, she became very ill. She had pain in her gut, couldn’t walk, was bedridden and on welfare. She was in a spiritual vacuum. Listen to her agonizing description of her life at that time and be prepared for the uplifting moment that changed her life forever.

Prayer defines Jennifer’s life. When she was in great pain she prayed “God, please do not let any of this suffering be in vain. Let me be used to bring health and well-being to others.”

She says this prayer has been answered on many levels, and she is grateful now that Learn True Health with its listener base is helping her share her experience and spirituality with a broad and receptive audience.
Here’s What You’ll Discover:

There are forces of good that lead us to what we need.

The Japanese are so healthy because they are involved with and depend upon their community.

Mental health has to be affected by other parts of our health: emotional, spiritual and physical.

We have so much to share and to give.
Health AH-HA Moment:

Whoever created us knows us.
Your Challenge:

For the next 7 days drink one half your body weight (convert pounds to ounces) in water per day, e.g. if you weigh 150 lbs, drink 75 ounces of water per day. For an extra super healthy boost add Dr. Wallach’s plant derived minerals. Contact jennifer@takeyoursupplements.com if you would like to learn more about plant derived minerals.

To chat with Jen about the supplements she takes: - jennifer@takeyoursupplements.com

*BOOK* Commitment to Love by Maureen Moss - http://amzn.to/1T7d0R7

Please watch: "▶ Raw Vegan Athlete - Suzanna McGee - #41 ◀"

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