Cole Hounslow - Barnet [lively one]

2 years ago

What a lively one.
Well done to our team on the ground who dealt with this unpredictable man amazingly.
This vile man decided to meet a 14 year old child (what he thought was) after very graphic sexual grooming. He was also speaking to one of our 13 year old decoys also.
If you haven't seen, he made threats to the team, became aggressive and kicked jamez Hunters phone from his hand causing damage, and tried to bite our weggs. He was quickly taken to the ground and restrained until police arrived, who were absolutely amazing, came straight in and restrained him and cuffed him up.
He also claimed to have a gun and was off his face on magic mushrooms.
Share for awareness guys and thank you for your support as always.
Massive well done to our Kirsty and Kate for putting up with this vile creature.
Thank you also to Secrets n Lies Confronted for their assistance.

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