Apple Domestication Part 2A

2 years ago

Founding apples:

Noiton, D. A. M., & Alspach, P. A. (1996). Founding Clones , Inbreeding , Coancestry , and Status Number of Modern Apple Cultivars, 121(5), 773–782.

Golden Delicious description

Orange Pippin. (2018b). Golden Delicious apple.

McIntosh Apple Description:

Provinceofcanada. (2018). The History of McIntosh Apples.

Johanthan Apple Description:

specialtyproduce. (2018). Jonathan Apples.

Everything Else:

The New Book of Apples: The Definitive Guide to Apples, Including Over 2000 Varieties by Joan Morgan and Alison Richards.


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