NH House Democrats and Sellout Republicans Killed Parental Rights Bill Opposed by RINO Gov Sununu

2 years ago

Democrats and sellout Republicans in New Hampshire’s House killed a parental rights bill that would have made it so parents have a say in their children’s educations. It would have made it hard for teachers and schools to groom kids into becoming trans along with indoctrinate them the Left’s Cultural Marxist woke ideological and political beliefs. It even would have made it so they couldn’t hide their doing it from parents. Also, it would have given parents legal recourse if schools and teachers were caught doing these types of things with their children. Which of course all of this has been framed as controversial and only something a minority of parents actually wanted here in the state.

In this video we take a look NH Democrats and sellout Republicans helping the leftists teaching and running New Hampshire schools stay in full control over the “educations” of the kids in the state.

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