Biden Threatens War in Taiwan Strait

2 years ago

Biden Threatens War in Taiwan Strait 拜登威脅台海戰爭

President Biden’s recent trip to Asia including a bellicose threat to intervene militarily in internal Chinese affairs. Biden’s comments suggesting the US would go to war with China over Taiwan were eventually walked back by the White House, and “clarified” by the State Department, but the threat of nuclear conflict still hangs in the air. Dr. Ken Hammond, professor of East Asian and Global History at New Mexico State University, spoke with BT about Biden’s comments, the threats of war and the possibility that the US and China could move from confrontation to cooperation. 拜登總統最近的亞洲之行包括以軍事手段干預中國內政的好戰威脅。 拜登暗示美國將在台灣問題上與中國開戰的言論最終被白宮拒絕,並被國務院“澄清”,但核衝突的威脅仍然懸而未決。 新墨西哥州立大學東亞和全球歷史教授肯·哈蒙德博士與英國電信就拜登的言論、戰爭威脅以及美中可能從對抗轉向合作的可能性進行了交談.

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