Ep. 5469 – Max Blumenthal: UK Worked with Intl Media to ‘Weaken Russia’ – 3/5/2021

3 years ago

Max Blumenthal begins by discussing the immense power imbalance between Israel and Palestine, which has led to enormously one-sided violence by the Israelis. The Palestinians, to be sure, have fought back, but Blumenthal says there’s a crucial difference between people defending their own territory, even when it sometimes results in civilian casualties, and an aggressor who moves in on other people’s land and deliberately targets families. Of course, with international support overwhelmingly behind the state of Israel, it’s very hard to get the real story out. If there’s one silver lining, explains Blumenthal, it’s that Netanyahu’s stranglehold on power makes it increasingly hard for so-called liberal zionists in the U.S. to back what Israel is doing. Blumenthal also discusses an investigation by his organization, the Grayzone, into the extensive effort by the British Foreign Office to coordinate pro-western media narratives in Russian-speaking countries and push pro-NATO candidates in Eastern European elections. Hundreds of documents obtained by the Grayzone reveal the extent of the corrupt relationship between the British government and supposedly unbiased media organizations like Reuters and the BBC. Blumenthal and Scott agree that this real scandal is much worse than even the most scurrilous “Russiagate” allegations, nearly all of which have turned out to be false. Of course, if the tables were turned, we would hear no end of outcry about this in the mainstream media—as it is, Twitter has done everything they can to silence the story.

Check out the interview page here: https://libertarianinstitute.org/scotthortonshow/3-5-21-max-blumenthal-uk-foreign-office-colluded-with-international-media-to-weaken-russia/

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