Biden’s Billionaire Tax Is a JOKE | Ep 602

2 years ago

Oscar Puente, a Texas mayor, blows the whistle after the Biden administration warns him that they will be releasing an “unknown number” of illegal immigrants into his town. Why is the Biden administration releasing illegals in Texas? The White House has also released its new “Billionaire Minimum Income Tax,” but don’t worry, this only establishes a minimum tax of 20% on American households worth $100 million or more. How is this supposed to help? The Beau Biden Foundation is being criticized after reports came out that the foundation only gave less than $750,000 in 2020 to its purported mission after raking nearly $4 million in 2020. Is the Beau Biden Foundation the new Clinton Foundation? Elon Musk, Tesla CEO, broke the internet when he challenged Twitter, and many responses were in positive nature. Is Twitter going to fall? And California is leading once again after appointing the first openly trans judge to the bench. Are we witnessing a new judicial activist movement?

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About Chad Prather:

Chad Prather is known for his way with words. He is a comedian, armchair philosopher, musician, and observational humorist. Often called “the modern day Will Rogers” and “the voice of the everyman,” Chad brings you his armchair philosophy and observational humor four times a week. Politics, inspiration, comedy, and fun — nothing is off limits on The Chad Prather Show!

Some of Prather’s most popular videos are shot in the front seat of his truck as he delivers his fast talking, rabid fire rants.
CNN has labeled him the “Pick-up Pundit” and Fox News’ Tucker Carlson has called Prather, “supernaturally articulate.”
Prather has mad numerous appearances on Fox News, CNN, A&E, MSN. He is the host of BlazeTV’s “The Chad Prather Show” and “Humor Me with Chad Prather.” His wildly successful 2016 “Kings of Cowtown Comedy: was a hit and his current “Star Spangled Banter Comedy Tour” is selling out theaters all over America.

Chad’s guests include: Phil Robertson, Glenn Beck, Jon Miller, Elizabeth Johnston, Jeff Kyle, Jason Piccolo, Matt Kibbe, Sara Gonzales, Mark Maxwell, Mike Stewart, Jennifer Nickerson, David Harris Jr., Mike Ritland, Heath Oakes, Kendall Jones, Rob Redwine, Trey Chapman, Katie Thulin, and many more!

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